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( 9AM to 8PM )
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a global organization that was created, and is designed, to help former alcoholics through the process of learning to live their lives without the crutch of alcohol abuse. People who attend AA groups have made the decision to stop drinking and stay sober.
In simplest form, the AA program operates when a recovered alcoholic passes along the story of his or her own problem drinking, describes the sobriety he or she has found in AA, and invites the newcomer to join the informal Fellowship. The heart of the suggested program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members of the Society:
REBT helps you change the way you think about yourself, the world, and other people. It also helps you to understand how your actions affect your thoughts and feelings and, therefore, how your thoughts and your feelings affect your actions.
REBT will help you change how you think (cognitive) and change what you do (behavioral). It will focus on the here and now in order to help you make the changes you want, NOW.
How REBT Works REBT can help you make sense of what may seem overwhelming by breaking it down into smaller parts. This makes it easier to see how things are connected and how they affect you. How you think about a problem can affect you both physically and emotionally. But, most importantly, it can affect what you do about it.
ABT helps the person to open out his forms of communication in order to better communicate his experiences. The kinds of art normally used in art therapy include:Painting, Sculpting, Dancing, Drawing, Acting, Music, Poetry
ABT is useful to people undergoing addiction treatment because it provides them with ways to understand and cope with their addiction. Both art therapy and traditional therapy focus on helping a person practice introspection and healthy coping skills, but art therapy can be a great way for a person to explore aspects of his life that he might not be able to explain in a conversational way. When done in a group setting, art therapy can also help people going through addiction treatment grow closer and better understand each other's experiences and feelings.
The thing that makes music so special is that it allows people to communicate their moods. It can be difficult to explain a mood to other people, but music can express it exactly. It isn't just listening to music that benefits addicts but it helps regulate emotions. It relieves stress. It helps alleviate loneliness. In fact, almost any emotional state can be regulated by music. Music moves us all in some form or another. Sometimes it just moves our body and sometimes it moves our entire soul. We can state that playing music is a way of venting out our emotions. Playing an instrument improves our working memory and even our brain functioning can strengthen when one learns to play an instrument. When we spend years abusing alcohol/drugs, it can't be surprising for one to say that the brain's got deteriorated to the point of no return.